I will donate 50% all the profits from the “Circle of Life” designs listed in this Fundraising Shop to Clare Haven for the month of March,

in conjunction with Mother’s Day & International Women’s day.

Laetitia ~ owner/designer/maker at NAIIAD Contemporary Designer Jewellery

Shop now for Fundraising



My jewellery designs are an expression of all that I aspire to be, and hope to inspire other woman to become through their own personal journey. Celebrating your own unique beauty and spirit, your strength and softness all at once. The essence of a woman…

As a woman and single mother myself, I know well how as women we may lose a sense of who we are as we dedicate ourselves to our families, to our work. Forgetting that part of ourselves which makes us a woman: that sensual, playful, beautiful woman that is in all of us. Yet how strong we are as well… Following our very own and unique path takes self-honesty and courage. It is what helps us grow into the person, the woman we are meant to be. This is what drives my passion, my designs. In honour of all the woman, to make them feel and be the beautiful, strong and independent woman they are. My designs are an expression of finding and embracing our true deep nature as a woman, our femininity. Trying to learn and grow more each day, holding our head high yet grateful for what we have. My jewellery is an expression of all that I aspire to be, and hope to inspire other woman to become through their own personal journey. Celebrating their unique beauty and spirit, their strength and softness all at once. The essence of a woman. But it runs much deeper than that….

My brand NAIIAD has always been about empowering women, even when I hadn’t consciously realised that it was the source of inspiration behind my designs… As the months and years have passed and after much reflection about my jewellery business, my own personal journey and what I have observed around me, the direction I wish to take with my jewellery has become clearer and clearer. It started as an instinct, a feeling, which translated into my jewellery designs ~ in particular the more statement ones, creating pieces of jewellery to make women feel beautiful, empowered. Yet that design process had been more instinctual than conscious. It is only over the past couple of years that I have truly begun to identify the inspiration behind my jewellery designs. That I have been able to see clearly the vision behind my business, what pushes to me to work hard every single day and keep trying despite the challenges. It is not easy to be a solo business owner and single mum, but there has been a driving force all along these past few years pushing forward in times of doubt. And there has been many, especially during covid19. That driving force comes from my own personal journey, but also and especially that of women close to me I have seen struggle after separating, coming out of an abusive relationship, finding themselves without an income after being the prime carer, stay-at-home mums. I have seen first-hand how difficult it can be when the safety net of a two-parent family collapses and now-single parent, most often the mother, needs to juggle being the prime carer for children all the while earning a living for her family, in a country where childcare costs are so high that it makes it difficult to get back to full-time employment, often having no other choice than to depend on social welfare support for lack of other viable options. Some women surviving abuse as well as, as I have witnessed with a close friend of mine… And this is why I want to try and do something. Because I know how fortunate I have been to be able to launch my business after I separated, working from my small studio all the while looking after my two children. And although it has not been an easy path, I am very aware that not many woman have that opportunity. And if I can contribute even only in some small way to helping less fortunate women, then I want to make that happen.

“In honour of all the women – to make you feel like the beautiful, strong and independent woman you are, following your own heart – my jewellery is for you” 

Laetitia ~ owner/designer/maker at NAIIAD Contemporary Designer Jewellery